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Relume, the web design tool of the future.

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Logo relume, Figma and Webflow with written 2025
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Web Agency

In less than two years, the tool has evolved far beyond a "simple" component library. Find out why, we're convinced, it will surpass one million users by the end of 2024.

Key points to remember

We've just come back from the future and... in 2025, over a million Web professionals will be using Relume. Because with its many AI-boosted features, its integration with Figma and Webflow, and its collaboration capabilities, Relume has become an indispensable tool in your website creation stack.

Discover it at - 360° - in today's article.

Web design tool trends in 2024

Graphic representing a study on web design tools in 2024 by
Credit to

This year, Relume makes its debut in the top 10 predictions of tools that will be tested by web designers, alongside technologies such as Figma, Framer, Webflow, MidJourney and ChatGPT. Predictions with which we are aligned. Because, over the past two years, the tool has evolved far beyond a simple "component library", we are convinced that it will surpass the million user mark by the end of 2024.

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Relume - The essential tool for creating sites in 2025?

Find out why trying Relume is adopting it.

The Relume story

Co-founded by Dan and Adam in 2020, Relume was initially a Webflow agency. The two partners quickly realized that to increase their margins, they would need to develop faster. So they decided to create an in-house component library, which they could reuse on their various customer projects.

Then they realized that this need could be generalized to all Web agencies using Figma and Webflow.

And it was from here that Relume began its transformation from an agency to a SaaS tool with the launch of the"Relume Library".

A lesson in business

By developing the agency and the tool in parallel, Dan and Adam were able to self-finance the launch of their product. As a result, they are now a profitable, 100% boostrapé tool.

But that's not all. The agency business also enabled them to fully understand the needs of the web design market, so as to create a product with a perfect "Product Market Fit".

But since V1: La Relume Library, the tool has evolved considerably, and many new features have been added.

Relume features in 2024

Relume Homepage

In 2024, Relume has become a fully-fledged tool that - boosted by AI - allows you to :

  • Generate quality sitemaps from a prompt,
  • Transform your sitemap into a responsive UX wireframe,
  • Generate the first draft of your site's copywriting usingartificial intelligence
  • Find inspiration for your web projects,

The tool also integrates very well with Figma - with a plugin - and Webflow, with a Chrome extension.

The benefits of using Relume

Some of the main advantages of using Relume in your Figma/Webflow/Relume Stack are :

  • Faster iteration with your team and/or customers
  • Faster design and development with Figma and Webflow
  • Reducedlearning curve for Figma and Webflow
  • Integration of JavaScript functionalities (Animations, Filter system, Multi-Step Form) in no-code,

Which ultimately leads to a better quality end product.

And the tool has proved its worth, having already been used to create over 250,000 websites worldwide.

Watch a video demo of Relume (with Figma and Webflow)

The tool is so complete that the easiest way to realize its potential is... 👇

Links to additional resources

→ Test Relume free of charge

→ Relume's YouTube channel

→ Join Relume's Slack community

→ Discover how to design a customized site in 5 minutes with Relume AI and Relume Library

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