Badge Webflow Award Winner 2023
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Why use Webflow for your website?

The no-code tool to create sites without any compromise between design and performance.

Testing the tool

Webflow is the no-code development tool that is gaining popularity. It offers many advantages for companies that want to create personalized, high-performance and elegant websites.

Webflow, the website builder tool for designing websites

Features to make your site a lever, not a challenge


Developing without coding

Create your responsive design website in "drag and drop". Webflow allows users to create professional websites without the need for coding skills. The platform provides a user-friendly visual editor for creating pages and content.


Total management of the content of its website

Create new web pages easily from the webflow CMS. Developers can fully customize the CMS of their websites with collections that have custom fields.


Simplified editing for marketing teams

Simplified content management for the entire team from the editing interface. Webflow's editor mode makes it easy to create dynamic pages and add elements to dynamic sections without the possibility of "breaking" the site.
Marketing teams can easily make changes to the content and layout of their website with Webflow's visual editor. They can create and publish content quickly without the help of a developer.


Search engine optimization (SEO)

Webflow offers search engine optimization features such as the ability to add metadata and title tags to each page. This allows websites created with Webflow to rank high in search results. Webflow offers the best web performance compared to other tools which gives your website a better SEO.


Adapted sites (Responsive design)

Websites created with Webflow have the ability to be easily optimized for mobile and tablet devices, ensuring a consistent and quality user experience across all devices.


E-commerce sites that sell

Webflow provides e-commerce functionality for creating online stores. Users can create product catalogs, manage inventory, orders, payments and shipments.


Advanced animations for more attractiveness

Webflow allows the creation of advanced animations to bring your website to life. Users can create complex animations such as element transitions, scrolling effects and mouse interactions, while controlling every detail with a powerful visual editor. This allows you to create websites with a dynamic and engaging user experience.

100% customisable design

Webflow is a website creation tool that offers unlimited design flexibility. This flexibility allows users to create unique designs tailored to their needs, without the need for code knowledge. With Webflow, you have the ability to create professional designs that perfectly reflect your brand.

streamnative website in webflow designercolor palette in webflow
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Intuitive drag and drop system

One of the most important advantages of Webflow is its intuitive drag and drop system. It allows you to create designs in a simple and efficient way, giving you full control over all the elements of your website, from fonts to colors to animations.

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Full customization of design elements

Webflow gives you the ability to customize every element of your website, from fonts to colors to animations, to create a design that perfectly reflects your brand. This design flexibility allows you to create a website that stands out from the competition and grabs the attention of visitors.

Best performance

By using Webflow, you can be sure that your website will be fast, reliable and provide an optimal user experience for your visitors. The tool uses advanced technology to create fast, responsive and smooth websites. Moreover, the sites are optimized for performance on all devices, including mobile devices. This means that you can provide your visitors with a smooth and fast experience in all circumstances.

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Hyper fast loading of the site for your visitors, thanks to more than 100 datacenters around the world.

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Webflow's fleet of scalable servers is prepared to handle any level of traffic.

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All sites have an SSL certificate that does not need to be managed or updated.

Optimised for SEO

By using Webflow, you can be sure that your website will be fast, reliable and provide an optimal user experience for your visitors. The tool uses advanced technology to create fast, responsive and fluid websites.

In addition, the sites are optimized for performance on all devices, including mobile devices. This means you can offer your visitors a smooth and fast experience in all circumstances.

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SEO Checklist
Metadata tagging: Title & Meta Description
robots.txt file
Automated and editable site map
Management of 301 redirects
Markup in
Alt Tag for images
WEBP compression and conversion

Ready to take your website to the next level?

Improve your online visibility thanks to Digidop's experience, excellence and reactivity!

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Exceeding our customers' expectations is important to us



* number of sites exceeding customer expectations since 2021
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5/5 (57 reviews)

Every project we design on Figma and develop on Webflow is a challenge for us. We do not only want to deliver an optimized website, but also a positive and rewarding experience for all our clients.

list of web project captures from digidop on Figma and Webflow in different responsive formats
list of web project captures from digidop on Figma and Webflow in different responsive formats
list of web project captures from digidop on Figma and Webflow in different responsive formats
list of web project captures from digidop on Figma and Webflow in different responsive formats

Questions about Webflow?

If you have any questions about our Webflow integration services, check out our FAQ or contact us directly. We are here to help you.

Webflow prices vary depending on your needs:

  • Showcase site from $0 to $432 per year
  • E-commerce site from 348$ to 2544$ per year
  • Workspace from $0 to $588 per seat/year

There are two types of paid plans:

  • Site plans: allow you to unlock certain features and publish your site on a custom domain name
  • Workspace plans: allow several people to collaborate on the same account

You can always try Webflow with the free version: the "starter" plans.

The Webflow CMS is the"dynamic" part of the no-code Webflow tool. The CMS is organised in collectionswhich contain different items.

The CMS (content management system) is a database that automatically populates specific fields connected to your collections or dynamic pages (such as blog pages) on your site.

Example: one of your collections is called "blog post". Each article created will be an item that will automatically create a new dynamic page, whose fields are connected to your "Blog article" database (collection).

Webflow is a so-called"WYSIWYG" tool (What You See Is What You Get, interpreted as"what you see on your editor's interface is your final product").

Webflow is a front-end tool that allows you to visually build and design the final interface of your service, product, through a website.

These tools have a bright future(source: Gartner) because they allow you to build the visual interface of any business solution and then integrate the back-end via an API. This "modular" composition allows for an 80% faster integration than competitors.

There are several ways to get templates on Webflow (free and paid):

  1. Webflow Showcase: go to the Webflow community shared space and select a "clonable" project. (Free)
  2. Site selling templates: Webflow Template, Flowbase, etc... (Paying)
  3. Sites of some Webflow agencies: Digidop, Finsweet, etc... Take advantage of free templates offered by some agencies (cloneable from the Webflow Showcase for free)

Discover the free Webflow templates of Digidop

Webflow is a drag and drop tool with a steep learning curve. Creating your site on webflow without any knowledge seems impossible. But there are many ways to learn how to use Webflow, here are ours:

  • Webflow university: exciting episodes that taught us how to use Webflow from the beginning.
  • Youtube tutorial: there are hundreds of tutorials that have taught us tons of little tricks for Webflow!
  • Blog, forum and Slack channel: reading forums or chatting with other experts allows us to learn new things!
  • Learn by doing: this last method is probably the most efficient. It is by putting our hands in the machine, testing and adapting that we have learned to master Webflow.

Discover free training on no-code

Yes, Webflow has an API to communicate with other tools and easily exchange data.