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How much will it cost to create a showcase site in 2024?

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Background image of a showcase site with a person asking about the price
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Photo of Thibaut Legrand wearing a black t-shirt Digidop

Thibaut Legrand

Webflow Developer & SEO

Knowing the price of a showcase website can be complicated. Here's a guide to help you make sense of it!

Key points to remember

The more time passes, the more important it becomes for companies and entrepreneurs to strengthen their online presence. However, creating a showcase site requires a financial and human investment if you want to do things right.

Understanding the different factors that influence the cost of creating a showcase site will help you make an informed decision and maximize your investment. This guide explores these elements in detail, offering cost estimates and advice on choosing the right provider.

What is a showcase site?

A showcase site is a website designed to present a company's products, services or brand image, without including overly advanced functionalities (e-commerce, member area, etc.).

Its main purpose is to attract visitors, provide information about the company (products, services, team, contact details) and generate leads. A website is a true digital asset, giving your company greater credibility and a more positive image, while setting you apart from your competitors.

To attract visitors and generate new customers, you need tooptimize your website (SEO, responsive design, loading performance, content updates, etc.).

Example of the TSE energy website

Estimated prices for creating a showcase site in 2024

Number of pages Estimated Price Ideal for Potential benefits included
1 page 500 - 4 000 €

Small businesses or personal projects requiring a minimal online presence

Testing an MVP

  • Simple custom design
  • Basic content
  • Contact form
1 to 5 pages 2 500 - 8 000 € Small and medium-sized companies wishing to present their services and products in detail
  • Custom design
  • Detailed content
  • Basic SEO optimization
  • Contact form
5 to 10 pages 5 000 - 15 000 € Medium to large businesses requiring a robust online presence and rich content
  • Unique, advanced design
  • Rich content
  • Advanced SEO optimization
  • CMS integration
  • Interactive features and animations
More than 10 pages 8 000 - 25 000 € Large companies requiring a complete website with advanced functionalities and ongoing maintenance
  • Customized design
  • Comprehensive, structured content
  • Full SEO optimization
  • Integration of a fully customized CMS
  • Advanced features
  • CRM connection and third-party tools
  • Maintenance
  • Training

How much will a showcase website cost in 2024?

Prices for creating a showcase site can vary considerably, depending on a number of factors. Here is a general estimate of costs for different types of showcase sites:

One-page showcase site (Landing page)

The cost of a single-page showcase site can vary from 500 to 4,000 euros. This type of site is ideal for small businesses or personal projects requiring a minimal online presence. They can also be useful for launching an MVP (Minimum viable product) to test your product or service on the market.

Showcase site from 1 to 5 pages

For a 1 to 5-page showcase site, the cost can range from 2,500 to 8,000 euros. This type of site is ideal for small and medium-sized companies wishing to present their services and products in greater detail.

Showcase site from 5 to 20 pages

The cost of a 5 to 20-page showcase site can vary from 5,000 to 20,000 euros, or even more. This type of site is designed for companies needing a more robust online presence and rich content. In most cases, if you use a service provider to build your website, the price will increase if the provider helps you with your online visibility strategy (SEO, UX optimization, A/B testing).

Estimate the price of your website

Factors determining the price of a showcase site

We've given some price estimates above, but how are prices set for showcase sites? Let's take a look at some of the factors that can influence pricing.

The complexity of design and user interface (UI)

The design of a showcase site plays a crucial role in the total cost. A customized design with advanced graphic elements and animations generally costs more than a simple, uncluttered design.

Number of pages

The number of pages on a site directly influences its price. A standard showcase site generally comprises between 5 and 10 pages, but this number can vary according to the company's specific needs.

Note that the number of pages is not necessarily the most relevant criterion, as a page with ten or so sections cannot be compared to a page with 3 or 4 sections.

Specific features

Adding extra functionality, such as an advanced contact form (multi-step forms), calculator, advanced CMS and filtering system, can significantly increase the cost.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Having a site is great, but having a visible site is even better!

Today, there are many ways to ensure that your site ranks well on Google. This is where SEO can become essential. Although it involves additional costs, it is crucial to attracting quality organic traffic.


Recurring costs include hosting (between 100 and 500 euros per year) and domain name fees (around 15 euros per year ). These costs vary according to the quality and services offered by the hosting provider.

Request a website design quote

The different types of service providers and their rates

Do It Yourself website creation solutions

Platforms such as Wix, WordPress, Squarespace or Webflow offer tools for creating your own site. Costs are much lower, often between 100 and 500 euros per year, but require time and technical skills on your part.

You can also use pre-built models(templates), but the impact of your website will be less if it's not customized or optimized by experts.


Hiring a freelancer can be a more cost-effective option, and you'll benefit from their flexibility. On the other hand, they won't be able to handle all the needs of a website on their own.

Freelancers often work at an average daily rate (ADR), which varies according to the experience and expertise of the service provider. The average daily rate for website creation is 500 euros.

Rates generally range from 1,000 to 5,000 euros, depending on the freelancer's experience and skills.

Web agencies

Agencies offer comprehensive, professional services, often with a team dedicated to every aspect of your site's creation.

Agencies often offer tailor-made projects and support to meet their customers' expectations.

The cost of using an agency is higher, as you benefit from the responsiveness and professionalism of a team covering a wide range of subjects (UX, UI, SEO, Animations). Depending on your project, the price of a site can vary from 4,000 to 25,000 euros, or even more.

At Digidop, our team is expert in all aspects of website creation. Our processes are designed to guide our customers through the various stages of website creation, from workshops to design, development, training and maintenance. Find out more about our expertise in website creation.

Steps in creating a showcase site

Once you've chosen a service provider, here are a few important steps for creating a high-performance website

Needs analysis

The first step is to analyze your specific needs in terms of design, functionality and content. These workshops are designed to :

  • Understanding needs: business and commercial issues, project objectives
  • Analyze the market: understand the company's commercial and competitive context
  • Search for references: study a variety of resources to create unique and innovative sites.
  • Creating the architecture: thinking about the structure of the future conversion site

UX thinking

UX (User Experience) thinking is a crucial step in ensuring that the site is intuitive and pleasant to use for visitors. This phase includes :

  • User Research: Understand the needs, expectations and behaviors of target users through interviews, surveys and user testing.
  • Creating Personas: Developing fictitious representations of target users to guide design decisions.
  • Wireframing: Draw low-fidelity sketches and mock-ups of the site's pages to define structure and navigation without focusing on visual details.
  • Prototyping: Create interactive prototypes to test site ergonomics and interactivity before final development.
  • User testing: Carry out tests with real users to identify friction points and improve the user experience.

UI Design

UI (User Interface) design focuses on the visual appearance and interaction of the site. This stage includes :

  • Graphic Charter: Define the colors, typography, icons and visual elements that reflect the brand's identity.
  • High-fidelity mock-ups: Create detailed mock-ups of site pages that show exactly how they will look once developed.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure that the site is fully responsive and adapts to different devices and screen sizes.
  • Interactions and Animations: Develop fluid animations and transitions to enhance interactivity and user engagement.

Find out more about our webdesign services.


Development is the stage when the site comes to life. It includes :

  • Front-End Development: User interface coding using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to transform mock-ups into interactive web pages.
  • Back-End Development: Setting up the server, database and logical functions using languages such as PHP, Ruby, Python or Node.js.
  • CMS Integration: Integration of a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress, Joomla or Webflow to enable easy content updates.
  • Performance Optimization: Ensure that the site is fast and efficient by optimizing code, images and resources.

Testing and Optimization

Before launching, it's essential to test the site rigorously to make sure everything's working properly. This includes :

  • Functionality tests: Check that all site functions (forms, buttons, links, etc.) work as expected.
  • Compatibility tests: Ensure that the site works well on different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) and devices (desktop computers, tablets, smartphones).
  • Performance testing: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to evaluate and optimize site loading speed.
  • Security Testing: Identify and correct security vulnerabilities to protect the site against attacks and hacking.
  • User testing: Have the site tested by real users to gather feedback and make final improvements.

Maintenance and Updates

Once the site is up and running, regular maintenance is necessary to keep it running smoothly. This includes :

  • Content Updates: Add, modify or delete content to keep the site up-to-date and relevant.
  • Technical Updates: Install security and performance updates for the CMS, plugins and other site components.
  • Regular backups: Make regular backups of the site to avoid data loss in the event of a breakdown or attack.
  • Performance Analysis: Monitor site performance using tools like Google Analytics and adjust strategies to improve engagement and conversions.

Our website maintenance offers.

FAQ about showcase sites

How much will a showcase website cost on average in 2024?

On average, the cost of a showcase site in 2024 can vary between 1,000 and 25,000 euros, depending on functionality and design complexity.

What are the advantages of a custom website?

A customized website offers many advantages over off-the-shelf solutions:

  • Flexibility and customization: A custom-built site offers greater flexibility in terms of design and functionality. The result is a website that perfectly matches your needs and your brand image.
  • Personalized support: We support you throughout the design process, from drawing up your specifications through to online launch and follow-up.
  • Scalability: A bespoke site is designed to grow with your business. You can easily add new features and update content.
  • SEO Optimized: Custom-built sites can be optimized for SEO right from the design stage, improving their visibility on search engines.

What are the advantages of using a web agency?

Web agencies offer comprehensive expertise, professional project management and ongoing technical support, guaranteeing a high-quality website.


What are the characteristics of a showcase site?

Showcase sites have several key characteristics:

  • Simplicity: Compared to an e-commerce or corporate site, a showcase site has a relatively simple structure, generally consisting of a few essential pages such as the home page, the about page, the services/products page and the contact page.
  • Informative: The showcase site is designed to inform. It gives potential customers all the information they need about your company, including your business, your values, your products or services, and how to contact you.
  • Non-transactional: Unlike an e-commerce site, a showcase site generally doesn't offer transactional functionalities such as online payment. Its main purpose is to establish initial contact with visitors.

Why create a showcase site?

Creating a showcase site has many advantages for a company:

  • Web visibility: A showcase site gives you an online presence, essential in today's digital age. By making your business visible 24/7, it improves your accessibility and attracts more potential customers.
  • Credibility: A professional website reinforces the credibility and seriousness of your company. It gives your prospects a sense of trust and reinforces your brand image.
  • Customer engagement: This is a privileged communication channel with your current and potential customers. They can find detailed information on your services, read the latest news, contact you easily, or subscribe to your newsletter.

Which tool should you use to create your showcase site?

To create your showcase site, you have several options.

You can go through a code developer who will be able to make a customized site, but more difficult for marketing teams to edit , or go through a no-code tool.

No-code development tools enable corporate marketing teams to take controlof the content and editing of their website without needing to know anything about coding. You can use platforms such as Webflow, Wix or WordPress.

How important is SEO for a showcase site?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is essential to ensure that your showcase site is easily found by users when they search online.

By optimizing your site for search engines, you improve its visibility and position in search results, which can lead to an increase in organic traffic. This means more people will have access to your site, increasing the chances of conversion and growth for your business. Without proper optimization, your site risks remaining invisible to users, reducing its impact and effectiveness as an online marketing tool.

What are the recurring costs for a showcase site?

To maintain an online showcase site, it's important to plan for certain recurring costs. The main costs to consider include :

  • Hosting: You'll need to pay a web hosting provider to store your site files and make it accessible online.
  • Domain name renewal: Each year, you'll need to renew the purchase of your domain name in order to continue using your site's web address.
  • Updates and maintenance: While this may vary according to your specific needs, you may need to budget for software updates, site maintenance, and possibly additional security services.

It's important to plan for these costs in your budget to ensure the continuity of your online presence.

How do I choose the right service provider to create my website?

Choosing the right service provider to create your showcase site is crucial to the success of your online project. Here are a few steps to follow to select the ideal service provider:

  • Portfolio assessment: View the provider's previous work to assess their style, quality of work and compatibility with your needs. Discover Digidop 's portfolio.
  • Ask for references : Don't hesitate to ask for references or testimonials from previous customers to get an idea of other people's experience with this provider.
  • Compare quotations: Get detailed quotations from several suppliers and compare them in terms of cost, delivery time, features included, and so on.
  • Understanding needs: Make sure the service provider fully understands your needs, objectives and expectations for your showcase site. Good communication from the outset is essential to avoid misunderstandings and guarantee satisfaction with the end result.

By following these steps, you'll be able to choose a service provider who meets your requirements and who will help you create an effective, professional showcase site.

The price of a showcase website in 2024 depends on many factors, from the complexity of the design to the desired functionality. By understanding these elements, you can better plan your budget and choose the provider that best meets your needs. An effective online presence is essential to attracting and retaining customers, so invest wisely to get a showcase site that perfectly reflects your business.

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