Badge Webflow Award Winner 2023
charblocks icon with blue and red lines svg



Integrate dynamic graphics into your website

Key figures

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4.4 / 5 (3 reviews)

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Free of charge

Use cases

  • Graphic creation

  • Embedding of graphs

  • SVG export of graphs

What is ChartBlocks?

ChartBlocks is a tool that allows you to create dynamic charts, from spreadsheet data, and import them to the web. Bar charts, pictograms, pie charts, curves, scatter plots, histograms, etc. Integrate your data into your web site and make it evolve dynamically from the ChartBlocks interface. 

Features of the tool

Data management

chartblocks table data with graph

Integrate all your data, from a spreadsheet (Excel, Google Sheet, CSV, etc.) or directly with the tool, then create your graph according to it. Then access the data in your graph to change it or customize your fields. 

Choice of graphic type

Choose the type of chart you want to use (bar, line, cloud, circle) and customize it.

  • Disassociation of data according to custom colors
  • Zone width
  • Spacing
  • Type of fonts, colors and sizes
  • etc.
customization of the chart on the chartblocks interface

Margin management

Manage the margins and position of your graph. 

margin functionality of the chartblocks tool

Axis customization

Adapt the X and Y axes to your graphic identity by customizing the colors, widths, and names of the axes.

axis functionality of the chartbocks tool

Exports and web integration

Two possibilities to reuse your graphic:

  • Export your graphics in several formats: PNG / PDF / SVG / EPS / PS
  • Integrate directly an embed code of your graphic in your website
embed feature of the chartbocks tool
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