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Hreflang Checker Weglot


Check and correct hreflang markup errors with the Weglot tool

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4,8 (43)

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Free of charge

Use cases

  • Check that your pages are correctly tagged

  • Detecting Hreflang markup errors

  • Identify pages that do not have hreflang tags at all

What is Hreflang Checker?

Hreflang Checker is a tool from Weglot used to check the implementation of hreflang tags on a website.

Hreflang checker tools like Weglot's, allow website owners and SEO professionals to check that their content is tagged correctly and identify errors in hreflang tags to correct them.

What is a hreflang tag?

Hreflang tags are HTML tags used to tell search engines which versions of a page are intended for which languages and regions.

These tags are used to alert search engines to alternative versions of a page that are intended for users who speak a different language or are in a different geographic region. Hreflang tags are usually placed in the "head" tags of each page. Hreflang tags are important for multilingual websites because they allow search engines to better understand and rank content for users. Hreflang tags can be used in HTML code, HTTP headers or even in Sitemaps.

How to use Hreflang Checker?

Using Weglot's Hreflang verification tool is quite simple. Here are the general steps for using the tool:

  1. Go to the Weglot Hreflang Checker page.
  2. Enter the URL of your website in the input box provided.
  3. Click on "Verify" to start the analysis of your website.
  4. Wait for the analysis to finish. The tool will provide you with a detailed report that shows all hreflang tag implementation errors on your website.
  5. Use the information provided in the report to correct errors in the implementation of hreflang tags on your website.
  6. Re-analyze your website using Weglot's Hreflang checker to ensure that all errors have been corrected.

It is important to note that in order to use this tool, you must have access to the source code of your website to be able to correct the identified errors.

Benefits of the International SEO Tool

  • Ease of use: The tool is easy to use and does not require specific technical knowledge.
  • Fast: The analysis of a website can be done quickly, saving time.
  • Accurate: The tool detects hreflang implementation errors accurately, allowing for efficient correction.
  • Detailed Report: The tool provides a detailed report that shows all hreflang tag implementation errors on a website, making it easy to fix the errors.

Disadvantages of the tool

  • Requires access to the source code: To use the tool, it is necessary to have access to the source code of your website to be able to correct the identified errors.
  • Limited to hreflang tag analysis: The tool cannot analyze other aspects of search engine optimization.
  • May not be compatible with all websites: The tool may not work with websites that use unsupported technologies or platforms.

It is important to note that Weglot's Hreflang Checker is a useful tool for checking the implementation of hreflang tags, but it is not a substitute for a full SEO analysis.

Hreflang Checker Weglot
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