Badge Webflow Award Winner 2023

How Auguste Patrimoine increased its organic traffic (SEO) by 925% in 12 months

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Graph illustrating an increase in SEO traffic on Google Search Console
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Florian Bodelot with a T-shirt Digidop

Florian Bodelot


Dissatisfied with the results of their previous website, the Avant-Garde group wanted to take advantage of a restructuring to migrate to a new technology and focus on Webflow and SEO.

Key points to remember

At the end of 2022, the Avant Garde group decided to change the strategy of its Wealth Management subsidiary, pivoting from a product positioning (SaaS) to a service business. It was at this point that the management team - in light of the poor SEO performance of their previous site - decided to explore a new, SEO-optimized technical solution.

SEO, a strategic challenge for the medium and long term

Over the past five years,digital acquisition costs have risen steadily:

  • Costs per click (CPC) on Google Ads have risen by an average of 35%.
  • Acquisition costs on social networks have risen significantly, with increases of 60% for paid search(Source Avanci).

These increases are prompting companies to diversify their sources of digital acquisitions, positioning SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as one of the most profitable levers in the medium and long term.

To quote the Eskimoz SEO agency's definition: "Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is a methodology that aims to improve the positioning of web pages in the results of search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo!"

A good SEO strategy enables companies to attract qualified traffic without relying solely on paid advertising such as SEA. And although SEO requires an initial investment (in time and technique), once implemented it offers a reliable and profitable source of acquisition.

Who is Auguste Patrimoine?

Header of the Auguste Patrimoine website with the Louvre in the background

Auguste Patrimoine, a subsidiary of Groupe Avant Garde, specializes in wealth management and financial advice. Based in Paris, the group offers a comprehensive range of services designed to optimize and secure its customers' assets. These services include tax and estate optimization, financial investments, structured products, life insurance, real estate investments and more.

Before contacting us, the group's subsidiary had a product positioning, under the name Visionnr. Visionnr was a SaaS application enabling investors to invest in different products and track their performance via a single platform. Then, at the end of 2022, the group decided to pivot and transform this subsidiary into a consulting company, focusing on an inbound acquisition strategy.

Their needs and search for solutions

To support the launch of this new offering with a completely new positioning, the Avant Garde group needed to create a new 0 brand, and wanted to rely on SEO as its main source of acquisition. Dissatisfied with the results of their previous site - and application - built on Bubble, the Avant-Garde group wanted to take advantage of this restructuring to migrate to an SEO-optimized and scalable technology. The company's new showcase site will be developed with Webflow.

Webflow, the perfect tool for the situation

Thanks to its many features - customizable design, loading performance, content creation via CMS and SEO optimization - Webflow was the ideal tool to meet the group's needs. Benjamin Le Maître, General Manager of the group, therefore initiated the search for a Webflow agency specialized in SEO capable of supporting them in this project.

After several discussions, Benjamin and his partners decided to entrust us with the mission of creating their new brand, designing a realistic SEO-focused web strategy for it, and ensuring its deployment with Webflow.

This is how the collaboration between Digidop and Avant Garde began.

From 0 to 1: How did we imagine and deploy Auguste's Web strategy?

As with all our projects, the first steps were based on co-design workshops with the group's teams. These collaborative sessions enabled our teams to understand the company's positioning, its market, and their needs. This exchange of information is essential to our support. It enables us to realign the different parts of the project with the objectives and define a roadmap.

As a reminder, the objectives of this collaboration were :

  • Creating a reassuring brand
  • A site optimized for SEO
  • Design scalable development, prioritizing the use of CMS and components

And here's how, step by step, we designed and deployed a strategy to meet these objectives.

  1. Creating a brand identity: we began by designing a coherent visual identity for Auguste Patrimoine and its positioning in the competitive wealth management market. This included the design of a distinctive logo and a graphic charter following industry codes.
    Particular attention was paid to SEO competition when choosing the name, to ensure a unique and easily identifiable presence on search engines.
  2. Sitemap design and web architecture : on Figma, we conceptualized an SEO-optimized site architecture. This includes reassurance pages as well as numerous dynamic pages, with the aim of targeting specific SEO queries via the creation of new landing pages.
  3. WebDesign (CMS First) and component library: the entire brand image created and imagined was then applied to a Figma model during the webdesign of the site. The site had to meet the challenges of reassurance and scalability, with numerous dynamic pages, modular components, and layouts enabling the addition of large text areas.
  4. Webflow development: development took place in two parts. First, we created the entire CMS collection architecture to validate the logic we had imagined. Next, we developed the front-end for the static pages.
  5. Training Avant Garde teams: several training sessions on SEO best practices and content management via the Webflow CMS were organized with the client's teams. The aim was to ensure that the teams would be self-sufficient in using Webflow.

One of the biggest challenges of this project was that, starting from scratch, the site had no content and no authority in the eyes of Google's search engines. We therefore put in place tools to enable the group's teams to concentrate on editing and populating the CMS quickly, so as to have a lot of content published as soon as it went online. A solid first publication enabled us to quickly establish the credibility of the new domain name.

The teams then set about bringing the site to life in the weeks following official publication, to rapidly achieve the first SEO results.

1 year on, the results of our collaboration

Some figures and information to illustrate the results of the Auguste Patrimoine website, in less than 16 months.

Google Wealth Management search results

Auguste Patrimoine's SEO figures and performance on Google

  • 1st position SEO on : Cabinet gestion de patrimoine Paris [strategic keyword]
  • 2snd SEO position on : Cabinet gestion de patrimoine [strategic keyword]
  • 1st position SEO: Gestion de patrimoine Paris [strategic keyword]
  • From 0 to 317 clicks per day in less than 16 months
  • Domain Authority: 0 to 23 (1.2k backlinks)
Google Search Console graph shows strong growth

Discover Benjamin Le Maître's experience sharing and the full case study in our portfolio →

Additional resources on Webflow, SEO and other success stories

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