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Webflow SEO : Complete guide for your natural referencing

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SEO Webflow
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Photo of Thibaut Legrand wearing a black t-shirt Digidop

Thibaut Legrand

Webflow Developer & SEO

Follow our complete Webflow SEO guide to improve your SEO and attract more traffic to your Webflow site via search engines.

Key points to remember

Having a well-designed website is essential for your business, but if no one can find it on search engines, it's useless. That's where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in. SEO is a set of techniques to optimize your website for search engines and thus improve its online visibility.

If you are a Webflow user, you already know that this platform is ideal for creating professional and aesthetic websites. However, in order for your site to be easily found on search engines, it's crucial to understand how to optimize your SEO.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to improving your Webflow website's SEO. We will cover SEO basics, On-Page optimizations, netlinking, advanced SEO technique tips, measuring and tracking your SEO success, as well as local and e-commerce SEO. By following these tips, you can dramatically improve the visibility of your web pages on search engines and attract more qualified traffic to your site.

Understanding the basics of SEO for Webflow

The natural referencing, or SEO(Search Engine Optimization) as mentioned above is the set of practices to be visible on Google, Bing, Ecosia and other search engines. The goal: to be first on strategic queries and keywords to attract visitors to your website and thus be more visible.

What is SEO and why is it important for your Webflow site?

SEO is a key element of success for any website. Indeed, without SEO, it is difficult for a website to appear in the search engine results, which can harm its visibility and therefore its traffic. This is why it is important to understand the basics of SEO for Webflow and to optimize your site accordingly to improve its position in search results.

The different types of referencing

SEO comes in many forms, including National SEO, International SEO and Local SEO.

National SEO aims to improve the visibility of a website on a national scale. To succeed in National SEO, it is important to take into account the three pillars of natural referencing: onpage, technical and netlinking.

The onpage part consists of optimizing the website content for relevant keywords, using title tags, meta descriptions and user-friendly URLs among others.

The technical part consists of improving the structure and performance of the website, including optimizing the loading speed, using reliable hosting and making the website compatible with different browsers and mobile devices.

The netlinking part consists of getting quality links from other relevant websites to improve the authority of the website's domain.

There is also a 4th pillar that can be added: SXO, which mixes UX and SEO to improve the conversion rate.

The 4 pillars of seo (Technical, On-page, Netlinking, SXO)

International SEO aims at optimizing the visibility of a website on an international scale, taking into account cultural, linguistic and regional differences. It is important to create content adapted to the different target markets, to translate and localize web pages in the appropriate languages, and to implement netlinking strategies to obtain quality links from relevant international websites.

Local SEO, finally, aims to improve the visibility of a website for geo-localized searches. Local businesses, such as stores, restaurants or local services, can benefit from Local SEO to attract customers in their geographical area. It is important to optimize web pages for relevant local keywords, create Google My Business pages, and register on local directories to improve website visibility in local search results.

How do search engines work?

To understand how search engines work for your Webflow site, it is important to know how they index and rank web pages.

Search engines use robots, also called " crawlers ", to crawl websites and index their content. They then use complex algorithms to rank pages according to their relevance and authority.

Learn more about search engine algorithms.

To improve your website's position in search results, it is therefore essential to optimize your content and work on your site's authority by obtaining quality external links.

Webflow SEO : On-Page Optimizations

Perform an in-depth keyword analysis

Keyword analysis is the basis of any SEO strategy, whether it is Webflow or another CMS.

Keywords are the terms and expressions that Internet users enter into search engines to find information.

Let's say you are a Webflow agency specializing in website design for businesses. When analyzing keywords for your SEO strategy, you might identify relevant terms such as"website creation for businesses","Webflow agency","SEO optimized website design","responsive website", etc.

These terms are likely to be searched for by your target audience and should therefore be considered in your SEO strategy. By optimizing your Webflow pages for these keywords, you could improve your visibility in search results and attract more potential customers to your business.

The purpose of keyword analysis is to determine which terms are relevant to your site and your target audience, so you can use them to optimize your pages.

A page or an article must target a specific keyword. If you target several keywords, you risk not appearing and if several pages target the same keyword, they risk competing with each other(self-canibalization) and therefore have a reduced visibility.

How to choose the right keywords for your Webflow SEO site?

Choosing the right keywords is crucial to the success of your SEO strategy.

To select the right keywords for your website, you must first identify the terms and phrases that your target audience uses to find relevant information.

It is also important to consider the relevance of the keywords to your site and your business. Finally, you will need to consider the competition for these keywords, as well as their search volume and relevance to your site.

How do I perform a keyword search?

Keyword research is an essential step for your website's SEO. To perform keyword research, you can use online tools such as :

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • SEMRush
  • Ahrefs
  • Moz Keyword Explorer
  • AnswerThePublic

These tools allow you to find keywords relevant to your business, their search volume and their level of competition. It is also important to do a semantic analysis to find synonyms and related terms, which can enrich your content.

In addition to these tools, another effective method for finding relevant keywords is toanalyze Google's search results pages. In fact, at the bottom of the search results page, you can find the"People Also Ask"(PPA) section that can give you ideas for related keywords or common questions that people are asking about your topic.

In addition, by analyzing the search results for your target keywords, you can see which sites are ranking higher and how they are using those keywords in their content. This analysis can help you better understand the competition and adjust your SEO strategy to achieve your goals.

Research intentions for referencing

When conducting keyword research for your site, it is important to think about the user's search intent. There are three main types of search intent: navigational, transactional and informational.

Navigational searches are performed by users looking to access a specific website, such as Facebook or Amazon.

Transactional searches are performed by users who are looking to complete an online transaction, such as purchasing a product or booking a hotel room.

Informational searches are performed by users looking for information on a particular topic, such as "Webflow vs. Wordpress" or "Starting an SEO Strategy".

By understanding the user's search intent, you can optimize your content accordingly to meet their needs.

How to analyze the competition for the keywords of your Webflow site?

The analysis of the competition for the keywords in your field of activity is a key element of your SEO strategy.

Indeed, to position yourself on the most relevant keywords, you must know the sites that are already positioned on these terms. To do this, you can use tools such as SEMrush or Ahrefs, which allow you to see the sites that are positioned on the keywords you are targeting, their level of competition, and their domain authority. This will help you adapt your strategy and optimize your content to stand out from the competition.

There are also web extensions like Keyword Surfer or SEOquake to show you information directly in the SERPs (search engine results page). This careful analysis is the basis for improving the seo of your webflow site.

search volume for the keyword webflow with keyword surfer
Search volume for the keyword webflow with keyword surfer

How to optimize titles, descriptions and URLs?

The meta title, the meta description and the URL are key elements to optimize your Webflow project in terms of natural referencing. These three elements are essential information that search engines use to determine the content of your page and its relevance to the user's query. Optimizing these elements can help improve the visibility of your website and increase organic traffic.

The importance of titles and descriptions for your Webflow site

The meta-title and meta-description are the first things users see when they search for information on search engines.

The title appears as the blue clickable link in the search results and the meta description is a short text excerpt that summarizes the content of the page.

A well-written title and description can grab the user's attention and entice them to click on your link rather than your competitors'.

How to write effective titles and descriptions?

When writing your meta titles and meta descriptions, it is important to include keywords relevant to your content.

Keywords are specific terms that users use to find information on search engines.

However, it is also important to write titles and descriptions that are appealing to users, as this can influence their decision to click on your link. Titles and descriptions should be concise, informative and persuasive.

To avoid your meta title and meta description being cut off by the search engines, the recommendations are:

  • About 60 characters for a title
  • About 160 characters for a meta description

Learn more about Meta tags for your website's SEO

How to optimize URLs for SEO on Webflow?

URLs must be clear and easy to understand for users and search engines.

Optimized URLs include relevant keywords and avoid special characters and numbers. It is also important to use dashes (-) to separate words in the URL.

Short, descriptive URLs can also help improve readability and recall for users. Ultimately, an optimized URL can help improve your web page's visibility in search results and increase organic traffic.

Manage titles, meta and URL for a static Webflow page

When you are in the Webflow Designer, you can:

  1. Open the page tab
  2. Hover over the page you want to optimize
  3. Click on the wheel to access the page settings
  4. Add a Title and a meta-description in the "SEO Settings" section (there is a preview of what it will look like on a SERP)
  5. Modify the slug (end of the URL) by keeping only the useful keywords
seo parameters of a static page in webflow

Manage titles, meta and URL for a dynamic Webflow page

When you are in the Webflow Designer, you can:

  1. Open the CMS tab
  2. Open the parameters of a collection
  3. Add a Plain Text "Title SEO" field (you can add a minimum and maximum number of characters if that helps)
  4. Add a Plain Text "Meta SEO" field (you can add a minimum and maximum number of characters if that helps)
  5. Save and fill in these fields in your collection items
  6. Open the page tab
  7. Fly over the dynamic page of your collection
  8. In the "SEO settings" section, connect the fields (by clicking on "add field") Title SEO in "Title Tag" and Meta SEO in "Meta Description".
seo parameters of a dynamic page in webflow

Create quality content to improve your SEO on Webflow

The content is essential to improve the SEO of your website. It must be of quality, relevant and bring an added value to your visitors. For this, it is important to understand the different types of content that exist for SEO on Webflow.

The different types of content for SEO on Webflow

There are several types of content that can improve the SEO of your Webflow site, such as :

  • Blog posts: they allow you to provide useful information to your visitors, while positioning yourself on keywords relevant to your business.
  • Landing pages: they are designed to convert visitors into customers. They must be optimized for SEO and to convince visitors of the usefulness of your product or service.
  • Videos: they have become an essential medium for online content. Videos can be used to present your company, your products or services, or to provide tutorials or demonstrations.

How to create quality content for your Webflow site?

To create quality content for your website, it is important to take into account the expectations and needs of your visitors. It is also important to propose an original and unique content, which brings an added value to your visitors.

To do this, you can use online tools such as AnswerThePublic to find out the common questions people have about your business. You can also analyze Google search results pages for relevant content ideas.

How to optimize your content for SEO?

To optimize your content for SEO on Webflow, you need to focus on keywords relevant to your business. It is important to integrate them naturally in your content, without over-optimization, without key word stuffing.

You can also optimize your titles and descriptions to attract the attention of Internet users in search results. Finally, don't forget to structure your content with headings and subheadings to make it easier to read and improve the user experience.

You can also note that the more precise a subject is, the more value it offers, the more likely it is to be well positioned.

Think about the user (readability, relevance)

It is often said that an article of 4000 words has more chances to be first than an article of 400 words, it is true provided that the content of the article of 4000 words is relevant (it is not necessary to write to write).

Think about the user and the search engines, not the other way around.

The nuance is small, but you are writing for humans, not robots. Google knows how to recognize content that is there to inform from content that is there just to rank.

You must also think about the readability of your webflow pages. Some tips for that:

  • Avoid long sentences (there are surely some in this article, sorry)
  • Air out your content with short paragraphs
  • Adding bold words (this helps the user to understand the main point and it also helps for SEO)
  • Integrate bulleted lists, quotes, videos, images (Rich Text of webflow allows this easily)

Optimize images for your SEO with Webflow

Image optimization is an important step to improve the SEO of your Webflow project. Images are a key element for design and user experience, but they can also impact the loading time of your site. Heavy and poorly optimized images can slow down your site, which can have a negative impact on SEO.

The importance of images for your Webflow site

Images are an important element for your Webflow site, as they help to enhance the UX and provide a beautiful user interface (UI). Quality images can give a good impression of your company, products or services. Images can also help improve your SEO, as they can be optimized for search engines.

How to optimize images on Webflow for SEO?

To optimize images for SEO on Webflow, it is important to :

  • Choose relevant and quality images
  • Compress to reduce their weight (the webp format is optimal for this). You can convert your images to webp format directly in Webflow in the assets.
  • Add ALT tags to give information about the content of the image to search engines. By adding keywords you will be able to be well referenced on Google Images (However, keep in mind that alt text tags are primarily for accessibility purposes, so you must describe the image and not put a list of keywords)
  • Rename image files with relevant names and keywords (words should be separated by dashes - do not use spaces or special characters)
  • Choose the appropriate loading mode in the parameters of a webflow image element(lazy vs eager vs auto). In most cases, we recommend you to use lazy loading to load the images as you go in order to avoid a long loading time.

How to use ALT tags for image referencing on Webflow?

ALT tags are textual descriptions that you can add to images on your Webflow project. They are used by search engines to understand the content of the image and for SEO purposes.

It is important to use accurate and relevant descriptions for ALT tags, using keywords if possible. This can improve the relevance of your content for search engines and increase the visibility of your site.

SEO friendly website with Responsive Design

Responsive design (compatibility of your site on multiple screen sizes) is a key element of On-Page optimization for SEO. Indeed, a well-designed site in responsive will be better referenced by Google and will offer an improved user experience on all devices, including smartphones and tablets (Google always thinks users).

This is even more important with Google's transition tomobile-first indexing, which means that the mobile version of your site is used to determine your site's ranking in search results. So, to rank well on Google, it's essential to make sure your Webflow project is mobile-friendly and that the content displays properly on small screens.

By incorporating a responsive design into your storefront site, you'll be able to provide a consistent and optimal user experience across all platforms, which can help improve your search rankings and drive more organic traffic to your site.

Fortunately, Webflow is a perfect tool to manage your website on tablet and mobile. The responsive cascade allows you to perfectly adapt your website to any screen size.

responsive webflow

Webflow SEO & Netlinking

Understanding the importance of backlinks for SEO on Webflow

Backlinks, also called inbound links, are links pointing to your Webflow site from other websites. They are important for your SEO on Webflow because they tell Google that other sites consider your content relevant and useful. The more quality backlinks you have, the more your site will be considered as a reliable source of information and therefore ranked higher in search results.

Best practices to get quality backlinks for your Webflow site

Getting quality backlinks can take time and effort, but it's worth it to improve your Webflow SEO. Here are some best practices for getting quality backlinks:

  • Create quality content that naturally attracts backlinks
  • Guest posting on relevant websites
  • Participate in online forums and discussions
  • Collaborate with influencers for link exchanges
  • Get links from reliable sources relevant to your industry via directories for example

Monitor backlinks to improve SEO on Webflow

Monitoring backlinks is important to ensure that your domain does not have toxic or unwanted backlinks. Toxic backlinks can have a negative impact on your SEO, while unwanted backlinks can come from websites unrelated to your business. Therefore, it is important to monitor backlinks and remove them if necessary to improve your SEO on Webflow.

There are several tools to monitor your site's backlinks and detect toxic or undesirable links. Google Search Console, for example, is a free tool provided by Google that allows you to monitor your site's backlinks and identify toxic or unwanted links. SEMrush and Ahrefs are also paid tools that offer backlink monitoring features.

If you detect toxic or unwanted backlinks, you can remove them by contacting the owners of these sites and asking them to remove the links. If this is not possible, you can useGoogle's disavowal tool to report these links to Google and prevent them from hurting your SEO.

Advanced netlinking strategies to improve SEO on Webflow

How to build a diverse backlink profile

Advanced netlinking strategies require more effort and time, but they can have a significant impact on your Webflow SEO.

Building a diverse backlink profile can help you achieve sustainable SEO results on Webflow. Here are some strategies for building a diverse backlink profile:

  • Create infographics and guides that can be easily shared and linked
  • Find broken link opportunities and link to your own content
  • Search for mentions and request a link to your site's pages
  • Use backlink analysis tools to find quality link opportunities
  • Create quality content and share it on social networks to attract natural backlinks.
  • Find link partners who share the same interests as you, but are not direct competitors.

Common mistakes to avoid when acquiring backlinks for your Webflow site

Acquiring backlinks is a tricky process that can easily go wrong if you don't take the necessary precautions. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when acquiring backlinks:

  1. Avoidbuying backlinks, as this can lead to Google penalties.
  2. Do not spam blog comments or the forum to get backlinks, this can be considered as spam.
  3. Avoid exchanging links with low quality sites or websites that are not related to your niche.
  4. Do not create mass links in a short period of time, this can be considered as spamming.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can acquire quality backlinks that can help improve your SEO on Webflow.

What is the difference between DoFollow vs NoFollow backlinks?

Technical SEO Webflow : Advanced tips

To improve your SEO on Webflow, it is essential to have a fast and well structured website. Here are some advanced tips to improve the SEO of your Webflow site. All the pages of your site (or almost) must load quickly otherwise there will be a high bounce rate.

How to improve the loading speed of your Webflow site for SEO?

The loading speed of your Webflow has a significant impact on your SEO. To improve the loading speed of your site, you can :

  • Compress your images
  • Minimize your code (HTML, CSS, Javascript)
  • Avoid overpacking divs (excessive DOM size): you can use the Client-First methodology for this
  • Avoid creating thousands of CSS classes: you can use the Client-First methodology for this
  • Choose the Lazy Load mode for the images in your sections (except in the header if you want your images to appear directly)
  • For more technical people, optimize your scripts with async or defer
  • Webflow does the rest with its optimized code and AWS hosting
minify the code on webflow

5 steps to speed up your website

Internal linkage and site architecture

The structure of your Webflow site and internal linking are important elements for SEO. You need to create a clear and easy-to-navigate architecture, organize content into categories and use internal links to make it easier for users to navigate and search engines to crawl.

It is necessary to have an optimized site structure so that users can quickly access useful information on your site.

Good internal linking helps search engines understand the organization of your site and identify important pages. It also helps spread the SEO juice evenly throughout the site, making the internal pages more relevant to the targeted queries.

To create an effective internal link, start by organizing your content into hierarchies and logical categories. You can for example use Folders in Webflow for this.

Use internal links within the content to point to important pages and related pages. Make sure that every important page is accessible within 3 clicks from the home page.

It is also important to choose appropriate link anchors for your internal links. Link anchors should be clear, concise and accurately describe the content of the target page. Avoid using generic anchors such as "click here" as they do not help search engines understand the content of the page.

Finally, it's important to keep your internal linking up to date with content updates and the structure of your web project. Use analytics tools to identify pages that receive few internal links and add links to those pages from important pages on your site. Also, remove links to outdated or deleted pages to avoid 404 errors.

Structured data for SEO

Structured data makes it easier for search engines to understand the content of your Webflow site. You can add structured data to show search engines information about your company, customer reviews, case studies, blog posts, etc. This can help improve the presentation of search results and increase the visibility of your site.

You can use tools (like technical seo) to generate this structured data and implement the JSON code in the head tag part of your pages.

301 redirects to keep the SEO juice

When you delete pages or change the URL of pages on your site, you should use 301 redirects to redirect users and search engines to the new URL. This helps to maintain the SEO juice value and not lose backlinks.

To configure these 301 redirects, you need:

  1. Access the Webflow dashboard
  2. Go to the general project settings
  3. Go to the "Publishing" section
  4. Scroll down to 301 Redirects and add your own.
301 redirects from digidop

Tuto: How to do 301 redirects from Webflow?

Robots.txt, Sitemap, Global Canonical for search engines

The robots.txt file allows search engines to understand which pages should be indexed or not.

You can add your rules in the Robots.txt insert of the SEO tab in the general settings of your project (Tuto: Add a robots.txt file in your Webflow project)

The sitemap is an XML file that lists all the pages of your website. You can generate it automatically by checking the option in the general settings > SEO of your project.

The Global Canonical tag allows you to specify the canonical URL of your page, which helpsavoid duplicate content. You can specify it in the box provided for this purpose in the same SEO tab as the robots.txt and the sitemap (in general, you must enter the URL of your domain name without the / at the end)

These technical elements are important for search engines to better understand your site.

robots.txt and sitemap webflow seo

How to use social networks to improve your SEO on Webflow?

Social networks can be a powerful tool to improve your SEO on Webflow. You can use social networks to promote your content, drive traffic to your Webflow site, build your online authority, and increase the chances of getting backlinks.

To maximize the benefits of social media, you need to create quality content, target the right audience, use hashtags, and be active and engaged on social media.

Quick tip:

In addition to creating quality content and being active on social networks, it is also important to optimize the open graph.

Theopen graph is a protocol that allows you to control the information that is displayed when your content is shared on social networks. This includes the title, description, image and other key data. By optimizing the open graph, you can ensure that your content is presented in a way that is attractive and relevant to social network users, which can lead to more clicks and shares.

In the settings of your webflow pages, you can paste the URL that leads to your image and set a title and description for sharing on social networks. The OG must be 1200 x 630px.

Tutorial to set up open graphs on Webflow.

Open graph digidop webflow seo

How to measure and track your SEO success on Webflow

To measure the seo performance of your Webflow site, you can use several tools, including :

  • Google Search Console: This tool provides valuable information about your presence on Google, including the search queries that led people to your site, the most viewed pages, crawl errors, etc. There are several ways to connect the search console with Webflow, here is a tutorial: Add your Webflow site in Google Search Console
  • Google Analytics: this tool allows you to track traffic, measure the time spent on the site, the bounce rate, the most viewed pages, etc. Webflow allows a direct integration of GA4 by adding an ID in the project settings > Integrations.
  • Ahrefs: this SEO tool allows you to track the performance of your entire site and your competitors, analyze backlinks, find keyword opportunities, etc. The connection is made via the Search Console

By using these tools, you will be able to measure the performance of your Webflow site in terms of visibility, traffic and user engagement, and you can adjust your SEO strategy accordingly.

International SEO and Webflow: optimize your site for a global audience

Why is international SEO important for your Webflow site?

International SEO is important if you want to reach a global audience and increase your online visibility. By optimizing your site for users from different countries and languages, you can attract more traffic and improve your ranking in search results. In addition, by providing content tailored to your international audiences, you can build trust and satisfaction among your users.

How to optimize your Webflow site for international SEO?

Here are some steps to follow to be present internationally:

  1. Identify target countries and languages: you need to determine the countries you are targeting and the languages in which you want to offer your content.
  2. Create local versions of your site: To target specific countries, it is often useful to create local versions. This can include translated pages, culturally relevant content and links to local sites.
  3. Use hreflang tags: hreflang tags allow search engines to understand which pages are intended for which audience and in which language. It is important to add these tags to your pages to help search engines index your site properly.
  4. Offer culturally relevant content: To attract and retain international users, it is important to offer content that is relevant to their local cultures. This can include culture-specific images, colors and language.

To be referenced internationally with Webflow and without too much effort, we use the Weglot tool that translates the entire content of your site and offers all the settings adapted to have an international visibility. The tool creates subdirectories and subdomains and guarantees you to be present on the search results of other countries. You have control over the translation if needed.

Tutorial to implement Weglot in Webflow

With the code DIGLOT, you get a discount on Weglot subscriptions.

By following these steps, you can improve your site's visibility for international SEO and reach a wider audience around the world.

Webflow and local referencing

How to optimize your Webflow site for local SEO?

To improve local SEO, you can perform the following actions:

  1. Use local search keywords: include local terms in your meta tags, content and URLs to let search engines know that your site is relevant to local searches. For example, if you are a webflow agency in Paris, use terms like "Paris web agency", "webflow agency in Paris", etc.
  2. Create local landing pages: Create specific pages for the different regions you serve to show search engines that you are relevant to those searches. For example, if you are a Bordeaux webflow agency, create a specific page for clients searching for webflow agencies in Bordeaux.
  3. Add your business to local directories: By signing up for local directories, you can help improve your business' visibility in local search results.
  4. Get local backlinks : get backlinks from local websites to show search engines that your business is related to the area.

Best practices for local search keywords

Using the right local search keywords is essential to improving your Local SEO. Here are some best practices to follow:

  1. Use keywords specific to your industry and geographic location.
  2. Include local search terms in your meta tags, content and URLs.
  3. Use long tail search terms to target more specific searches.
  4. Use synonyms and keyword variants to avoid excessive repetition.

By using these best practices, you can improve your site's relevance to local searches and attract more local traffic.

As a local business, it is also essential to create and manage a Google My Business (GMB) listing. This will allow your business to appear in Google Maps search results and in the "3-pack" section of local search results.

When creating your GMB listing, you will be able to provide important information such as your address, hours of operation, phone number, website and customer reviews. Make sure that all the information you provide is accurate and consistent with your website and other online directories where your business is listed.

Managing your GMB listing can also help you interact with your local customers, respond to reviews and highlight promotions and events. In short, managing your GMB listing is a key part of any local SEO strategy for your Webflow site.

Webflow E-Commerce & SEO

Optimize product descriptions for SEO on Webflow

Optimizing product descriptions is a key part of SEO for e-commerce sites on Webflow. Here are some best practices to follow:

  • Use relevant keywords in the product title and description.
  • Add unique title and description tags for each product to avoid duplicate content.
  • Include detailed and informative descriptions for each product, including features, benefits and technical specifications.
  • Use high quality images and videos to present the product from different angles.
  • Use structured data tags to help search engines understand the content of your site.
  • Use a breadcrumb trail to easily navigate between products

Optimize category pages for SEO on Webflow

Category pages are another important part of SEO for e-commerce sites on Webflow. Here are some best practices to follow:

  • Use relevant keywords in the category title and description.
  • Create detailed and informative category descriptions to help users navigate your site.
  • Use high quality images to showcase the products in the category.
  • Use structured data tags to help search engines understand the structure of your site.

Guide to basic SEO practices for an e-commerce site

Webflow SEO FAQ

Is Webflow optimized for SEO?

Yes, Webflow offers built-in SEO features such as customizable meta tags, search engine friendly URLs, and the ability to create an XML sitemap for easy search engine indexing. In addition, Webflow also offers the ability to add custom code for advanced users who wish to further their search engine optimization.

Webflow is also the CMS that offers the best web performance.

What are the common mistakes to avoid for SEO on Webflow?

Here are some common mistakes to avoid for SEO on Webflow:

  1. Not optimizing meta tags: Meta tags are important for SEO, as they provide information to search engines about the content of your page. It is important to properly optimize these tags, especially the title tag and the description tag.
  2. Use unoptimized URLs: URLs should be optimized for search engines using relevant keywords. Avoid using generic URLs or letting Webflow automatically generate URLs.
  3. Do not use alternative text for images: Search engines cannot read images, so it is important to use alternative text to describe the image and provide additional information for search engines.
  4. Excessive use of keywords: Excessive use of keywords can be considered as spamming and can have a negative impact on your website's SEO.
  5. Not updating content: Search engines prefer websites that are regularly updated with new content. Therefore, it is important to regularly update your content with fresh and relevant content to improve your SEO.
  6. Not thinking about the accessibility of your site: Making a site inclusive allows to widen its audience and give a better user experience. Creating your site for seo requires thinking about this aspect too.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can improve the seo of your Webflow site and increase your online visibility.

Is the performance (Core Web Vitals) of Webflow superior to other CMS (Wordpress, Wix, etc.)?

Yes, Webflow's performance in terms of Core Web Vitals is considered very good to excellent compared to other tools, although this may vary depending on the specifics of each Webflow site.

Core web vitals stat by technologies (wordpress vs wix vs squarespace vs webflow)

Do I have to be an SEO expert to list my site on Webflow?

No, you don 't have to be an SEO expert to list your site on Webflow. However, it is important to have a basic knowledge of SEO and follow best practices to improve your site for search engines and attract more organic traffic.

Are SEO features included in the cost of Webflow?

Yes, SEO features are included in the cost of Webflow. Webflow is an all-in-one platform that offers integrated SEO features. In addition, Webflow offers useful resources such as guides and videos to help users improve their SEO.

Which companies are well referenced on Google using Webflow?

There are several companies that have managed to get good SEO on Google using Webflow. Here are some examples:

  1. Shift
  2. Rakuten
  3. Dell
  4. HelloSign
  5. Digidop - Our Webflow agency

These companies have all achieved good Google rankings using Webflow and implementing effective SEO techniques. This shows that Webflow is a tool that can produce websites that rank well on search engines.

Why do SEO rather than SEA?

Contrary to SEO, SEA is more expensive and works on specific and targeted queries and events. Your SEA listing will appear as an "ad" in search engines and will be categorized as such by visitors.

SEO is an in-depth work that will allow your website to rise naturally in the search results for their relevance. SEO is therefore a more sustainable strategy than SEA, which will enhance the value of your entire site rather than a one-time campaign for which you will have to pay every month.

How easy is it to create a website on Webflow and how can I make my site fast and optimized for SEO?

Yes, creating a website on Webflow is easy and intuitive, even for beginners in website design. First, you'll need to register with the Webflow platform and choose a plan that best suits your needs. Then, you can start designing your site by using the drag-and-drop tools to create custom layouts and visual elements.

When creating your website on this design tool, make sure you choose a domain or URL for your site that is easy for your site visitors to remember and enter. You can also add metadata and meta tags to your site for SEO optimization.

To make your site fast, make sure you use optimized images and compress CSS and JavaScript files. You can also use Webflow's speed analysis tools to optimize your site's performance.

Finally, to design a website that is truly optimized for SEO, you'll need to conduct thorough keyword research and include those keywords in your site content, meta tags and page descriptions. By following these simple tips, you can create a fast, aesthetically pleasing, SEO-optimized website on Webflow.

Create an SEO optimized website with Digidop

Flomodia by Digidop
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