Badge Webflow Award Winner 2023
Photo of a trading room with the Club Patrimoine logo in white

Club Patrimoine - Complete technical overhaul of the Webflow site

Banking & Finance
  • Webflow site maintenance
  • Bug fixes
  • Technical overhaul of the entire site
  • Performance optimization and SEO
Google performance points won
migrated CMS items
weeks of intervention
Photo of a page on the Club Patrimoine website with several blog articles on the theme of finance.
Club Patrimoine called on Digidop for a technical overhaul, which was successfully completed. A special thank you to the Digidop team for their friendliness, pedagogy, proposals, understanding of needs and responsiveness.

Jennifer Favrot

Digital project manager


Club Patrimoine is a medium dedicated to wealth professionals, such as wealth management advisors, family offices, asset managers, notaries and lawyers. Every day, the site offers a variety of content (articles, videos, podcasts, graphics) on wealth-related topics.


Club Patrimoine approached Digidop for an initial intervention on its current project, aimed at correcting bugs and optimizing site performance while taking SEO into account. Following this successful collaboration, the Club Patrimoine teams entrusted us with the complete technical overhaul of their Webflow site: the aim was to recreate the site identically (or almost identically, with UX improvements), integrating best development practices to maximize performance and optimize bandwidth consumption.

Photo of a page on the Club Patrimoine website with several blog articles on the theme of finance.
Performance photo of a lighthouse analysis on the Club Patrimoine site
CMS image of Club Patrimoine's Webflow site
Illustration showing AdButler integration in Webflow
Hero de la Home de Club Patrimoine
Bento section of the Club Patrimoine website
News section of the Club Patrimoine website
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